This summer we have been busy. Busy loving on our kids. Busy visiting Jay for graduation from BASIC training. Busy getting two kids ready to move to two different schools.
And underneath it all….busy preparing our hearts and home to add another Thurman to our family.
Our home study was completed as the kids finished school.
Then Jay left.
We have prayed and played and planned and presented. We have shifted rooms and made room. We are ready.
We have said yes to two situations and prayed through them while the birth families chose the right family for those precious girls. It is a gift to be presented. It is an opportunity to partner with God on behalf of “the least of these”. Being presented has given us time as a family to come together to pray for others, and prepare for when we are the right family for a little one.
We came home from Jay’s graduation to SEVEN different situations where babies needed families.
Sometimes we (as a community) forget that every day there are babies born and sweet birth families realizing that they cannot parent. Most of the time, there are many families for each one of those sweet souls.
But sometimes, for many reasons, there are not.
It is for those babies, the ones who wait, that David and the kids and I have done our home study. We do not one even one to wait. We do not want even one to be placed into foster care because there is not a family waiting.
When we adopted Tyler, we had dear friends help us with a garage sale, and many people supported us with prayers and gifts….but we paid the bulk of the adoption fees. I did not want to ask anyone to help us. (I have always had that “I do it myself” mentality!) Since then, we have donated to help others adopt. And you know what? We felt blessed to be a part of their journey. So, in a great leap of faith, we are reaching out to ask others to partner with us to help us adopt.
Yesterday we got a phone call. The one where you have to make a decision, and make it fast. A baby needs a home. Is it yours? We prayed, and said, YES. Today we spoke with this sweet birth mama and she said, YES.
So any day now, we are heading out to bring our little one home!

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You and David are such great parents! Who better than you two to love this new Thurman! I know blessings will flow, both from you and to you. We are praying for everyone involved! K & D
Thank you so much, Diana! We have been talking a lot about our times in Germany and Italy with Ron and Kiley and they feel as if they know you! We were talking about our guinea pig and they love hearing that story! We are so excited to bring this little one home!