When we said YES to an adoption situation Wednesday afternoon, we knew our lives were changing. We also knew that we had been praying for the last few months as we looked at several different adoption situations that if the answer was no, for God to close that door. We also prayed that if God’s answer was YES, that He would show us the way. That if a babies needs were more than we could do, for the door to close. If, with God’s help, we were the right family for a little one that needed us, that He would walk with us and let us KNOW that we were right where we needed to be.
So, in June when we heard about a baby, we said YES. And God said no.
In July, the day after we came home from our vacation, we heard about 7 babies that needed homes. 7. We talked to one social worker and realized we did not have the funds or our fingerprints! Door number 2 closed!
At the beginning of August we heard about a sweet little baby with kidney issues. We said YES. The birth parents said they wanted to talk to us! We visited on Skype and waited and waited for days. Then God said no.
How do we feel about the no? During the long time of waiting, this is something I wrote:
David and I have been blessed to walk this adoption journey. We have grown closer to God, to each other and to our children. We have been brought to our knees many times. We have been brought to tears many times. We have laughed and been so embraced in love through this time!
During the past month we have been praying for this little baby. We said YES to her around the same time as the baby with kidney issues. We were delighted when this little one had a family. And then they said no.
So we prayed about saying yes again. This time we said no. We did not have all the funds we needed, and we had some things going on at home that needed us. And we rejoiced when this little one had another family! And then they had to say no, too.
So, Wednesday afternoon when the call came, I was shocked. This sweet little one needed a family and we needed to decide, yes or no. We said, YES. And then we waited. As we waited we got a little more information about the rare brain disorder. And we prayed again and again all through the day. When the call came from the adoption agency to make sure we understood that this baby had significant needs, we explained that we knew as much as we could, and while, yes in fact, this diagnosis was a very scary thing, we felt a peace about this BABY. We still don’t have all our funds, but we are working hard on our end to get them, and we have started a youcaring drive to get what we needed for the lawyer!
How do I feel, now, days away from a new baby? Excited down into my toes! I am so blessed! I am reminded of several stories in the Bible. You know those stories we hear all the time growing up, but don’t understand….well I have had a glimpse of the meaning this past few days.
In Matthew Jesus tells several stories about the kingdom of God. He talks about a man finding a treasure in a field and going and selling all he can to buy that treasure. He also talks about a man finding a pearl of great worth. Again the man does everything he can to buy that pearl. How does the man know that there is a treasure in the field? He is willing to risk sifting through the mud. The dirt. I feel like this week we have had a glimpse of the Kingdom of God.
If you would like to help us bring our treasure home, here is the link to our donation page! If you are partnering with us in prayer for this little one, I would love to know in the comments! If you are interested in adoption, I have a lot of links in my posts about our Journey to bring Tyler home! Or leave me a comment! David and I have taken the long way around to bring two of our children home. Has it been worth it? Yes, every minute!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
Kym–every child has challenges! Your little girl will face different challenges than the rest of your kids, but you guys will be great! You are doing God’s work! And, I have said many times over, I am thankful God blessed me with Lilly after raising my other five. I have much more confidence now than I did with the first ones, and that makes me a better advocate for Lilly. I also have a better understanding of what is truly important, so can focus on those things rather than the multitude of other worries… Praying for your family daily! Caryl
There words from the song FOR GOOD from
“Wicked” keep going through my head and I now know that I was supposed to share them with you.
Perhaps you have heard the song…
I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us grow
If we let them
And we help them in return…..
I know that you were led to this precious child and you will both grow and learn for a reason.
Take care. Susan
Thank you so much for your kind words always, Susan!
Kym, I adore what you are doing. After meeting my biologicals, I’m so blessed to have had a mother and father who adored me. I was raised in a Christian home and that would not have been possible otherwise. God knew what was best for me and I am grateful. I am also grateful for his timing. My bio mom died 7 months before I connected with them. I’m glad I didn’t have to meet her in that state. My bros and sis’s still don’t quite understand that. I’m not sure they ever will. I do. I know why He waited. You are doing the Lords work. I will always keep you close to my heart for all you do. Please give them a kiss for me. And follow your heart because God is guiding it!!! Love you dearly.