Dear Hanes…

by Kym on October 2, 2010

Dear Hanes,

I just wanted to let you know how happy my feet have been this week! After all the walking and talking and having a blast at Type-A-Mom conference last weekend, my feet needed a little extra love. Plus, fall decided to come to the mountains and I really needed socks! The last person a mom of seven buys socks for is herself. Seriously. I even asked for socks for Christmas last year, because mine were getting so pathetic. Then, to my delight, six brand new crew socks from Hanes in my Mystery Meet Up (not an official party from the conference) SWAG bag! Here is a picture of me, with Jenny and Megan, the Party Hostesses.Mystery Meetup Party

It was a blast! The whole weekend was wonderful…and I have been working on trying to process how great it was, and all the neat people I met, and all the information…and trying to condense it into a post…and then I get distracted by life. And by my comfy socks. Seriously. I am getting me some more. I am also looking for some of these for my kids. The seams do not bother my toes, the bottoms have extra cushioning, and they are not too tight around my mom-of-seven ankles…all important sock considerations. So, I know most everyone else in the world is mentioning all of the other great things that the conference had to hold, and I am REALLY enjoying reading all of the recaps. I am just going to continue to do so, while sitting  back and relaxing in my new comfy socks! Thank you, HANES, for making my week.

And Convertible Girl has a great post on the highlights of the conference that sums up the weekend better than I could.



(No one paid me to say this…I am just happy to FINALLY have socks that I love. :) )

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

lucy shell October 2, 2010 at 3:56 pm

Hey there, socks are so important but amazing how low they get put in priority list. Comfy socks are hard to come by, so glad you were given to treat of such pleasures. Glad to hear conference was so awesome!


Cyndi October 2, 2010 at 11:05 pm

You’re adorable. And I just washed my socks — can’t wait to wear them now! Enjoy fall in the mountains :)


Jen October 3, 2010 at 2:10 pm

Glad you like the socks! I keep forgetting to get some out for myself, but I do love a pair of good comfy socks. :)

Was great hanging out with you last weekend!


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