Saturday we loaded everyone up to go see the elk in the National Park. We had a van full and as we got up in the mountains to the narrow, dirt road, one of the kids said, ” they should have a sign that says ‘he who enters here abandon all hope’.” Ha! I guess they were a little nervous! The road is disconcerting, but completely okay! We went all the way up to the top of their taints and then down, down, down into the valley to see the elk. In the thirteen years since the elk have been reintroduced to the park, the rangers have kept tabs on their growth. Volunteers come and share their love of the elk so that visitors learn more about them. The park volunteer brought out this set of antlers for us to touch and play with….he said that almost everyone who sees the antlers has to take pictures…we were no exception!
If you are in the mountains of Western North Carolina, it is worth the drive to see the mountains, the valley and the beautiful elk!