I love in the Sherlock Holmes books that Sherlock Holmes likes Introspecting. I am not sure that is an actual word, but it is something I rather like to do as well. Yet, in the hurry and scurry of the world….I forget.
Until I am reminded…because I feel like screaming.
Or crying.
Or both at the same time.
Because I can’t sleep when I need to because my to do list is running through my head, and then in the daytime, I am too tired to do or remember my list….
So, it is time for some introspection on my part.
Being Still.
Remembering Who is God.
Why I am.
What I am here for.
Thinking about what and who is most important to me.
Connecting. (not just on Facebook, Twitter and via email….I mean by looking into the eyes of the people I love)
Peace….sweet peace.