I am going to put one picture here, and the rest of the snowy pictures on my Christmas blog…so if you want to see them…hop on over to www.thurmanchristmaschronicles.blogspot.com to see them! We have totally enjoyed seeing so much snow. Especially now that Jim and Edie have power, and we can get down our driveway!!
For a few days, David had to hike (and I mean hike) down to the main road to his car to get to work. Then leave his car to hike back home! Not fun when you are carrying milk to your youngun’s! But, I am thankful that it is not something we have to do all the time, and we do have the most wonderful town and people to help around here!
Jim and Edie had someone plow our driveway…so I am grateful for that!!! Now, here is our 15 1/2 inches of SNOW!!!
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
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