What a whirlwind week! Last Tuesday I flew into Phoenix, made plans to meet birth mom for a smoothie on Wednesday. I got up, took a shower and got out to a text that birth mom was heading to the hospital! I got ready, my aunt made me a sandwich….and off I went to the hospital!
I got there and she was already nine centimeters and had an epidural. I went in and met her and her sister and friends. She is precious! After we said hello, and talked a few minutes, they checked her and we all left! TIME FOR A BABY!!
We all went into the waiting room. We talked and chatted and it was good! We talked about names for the baby. I told them that about 10 months ago, I was talking to David and Ron and Tyler and told them, “We are going to adopt a girl and her name will be Olivia Rose, we can call her Rosie!” Our birth mom loved the story and it is meaningful to her! So that is her name!!
The doctors had prepared our birth mom for the baby needing feeding tube, or even being on a ventilator. I was prepared to stay for as long as I needed to, depending on the care the baby needed….imagine our complete and total wonder when she got an 8 for her APGAR scores and she did not need either one! God is so good!!
So, two days later birth mom went home and several hours later, I brought Olivia home to my aunts house! We are having a great time!!
This is one of the neat ways God has provided for me! My cousin loaned me his VERY nice vehicle and my aunt and cousins have fed me, bought clothes for Olivia, taken great care of us….
Another way that we have been blessed is by friends through adoption here! One woman has put together an adoption care pack, and brought diapers, bottles, burp clothes, and on and on, all for me to use while I am here! And a different mom gave Olivia a LOT of frozen breast milk! So we literally are being fed and clothed while we are here!!
The day after we got out of the hospital, we met the birth father and we had a great time. The birth parents both signed relinquishments and afterwards we all got together for a time of rejoicing! Then I took baby Olivia home to bed!
The next day, we met at Olive Garden to celebrate this sweet baby and our new family! My Aunt, me, Olivia, the birth mom, birth dad and their adorable one year old daughter!
Monday we went to the Pediatrician. Olivia looks great! We discussed the MRI and talked about things to watch for with schizencephaly. Yes, Olivia does have bilateral schizencephaly. No, we do not know how it will affect her. I am in awe of all she is doing now! And we are in awe of all the ways people have come together for the love of this one little baby girl!
Yesterday, Olivia and I got to meet her birth grandfather! It was great! This little one is so very loved! I also got to Facetime the kids at home and they are so excited to have their little sister! They are ready for us to get home!
Thank you all for PRAYING and SUPPORTING David and I for this little one!!! Please continue to pray for Olivia, for us in making the best decisions for her care, and for her very amazing and wonderful birth family!

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A beautiful addition to a beautiful family. Can’t wait to hold her.
So……are you going with Olivia or Rosie?
Congrats again!