
by Kym on October 2, 2009

I have several blogs I like to look at for inspiration for fabric and sewing and just being creative. Sandi Henderson’s blog is one of those. This blog post from the other day really got me this morning. Hope you will take the time to watch the video here. It is worth the 15 minutes!

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more fall….

by Kym on October 2, 2009

I finally got the kids out to get pictures and so here are some more! We have had the prettiest week…cool weather, foggy mornings followed by crisp cool air and SUNNY afternoons filled with the sights and sounds of fall. Leaves rustling on the trees, pumpkins everywhere, apples of every kind, sweaters and jackets for […]


Happy Fall Y’All!

by Kym on September 24, 2009

Yippee! I live in one of the coolest places! On the first day of fall, I watched the little town come together to decorate for fall. First the big truck went around and left piles of corn shucks at all the lamp posts up and down SoCo Road, then another truck went by with hay […]


I was whining (something I am doing way to much these days) to Maddy, and she reminded me that boys and girls are NOT the same. For example, she said, “When I take off my clothes I put them in the hamper. If it is full, I go empty it. The boys, however, just toss […]


kondike bars and allergies

by Kym on September 8, 2009

I am sitting here eating the last Klondike bar and feeling sorry for myself. Last fall my allergies kind of went haywire even on the great meds and Baylee convinced me to go have the allergy testing done again…I have been avoiding eggs since my flu shot and breaking out in dots, so I finally […]


Okay already, enough is enough….

by Kym on August 27, 2009

Today is the beginning of a new ‘phase’ for me. I am not sure what to call it. It is kind of an interesting one in that it is the “Last child went to kindergarten for the first time today Day”, but for me this has new and significant meaning since I have homeschooled all […]


Hiking on WaterRock Knob

by Kym on July 7, 2009

Today we had another mini-vacation to WaterRock Knob. It was an awesome hike and a nice family time! Walker and I lagged behind, but we actually made it to the top. It was a great day and the Park Ranger and Volunteer were full of information and they filled us with lots of ideas for […]

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Sliding Rock

by Kym on June 30, 2009

One of my favorite sayings is “a life lived in fear is a life half lived”and I really try to remember it. Yesterday, though, I had a hard time reminding myself that I try to live by this! We have been exploring the area around our home, because Ron, 6, told us we needed to […]

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by Kym on June 11, 2009

One of my favorite movies is Parenthood. David and I saw it for the first time right before Baylee was born. We laughed, cried and made our parents watch it when they came after Baylee was born. Now, 19 years later, I can relate to the rollercoaster analogy even more. (If you haven’t seen this […]

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Facebook and fighting kids….

by Kym on June 5, 2009

Sometimes Facebook is fun to catch up with friends…and I am so glad for the connections I have made with people that I have lost touch with! and sometimes Facebook just brings a smile to my face! I had to share the postings from the last day or two….names have been deleted to protect the […]

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