Time for another blog….

by Kym on November 14, 2008

Since it is “beginning to look a lot like Christmas”…I have started another blog for my family! We are going to post throughout the holiday season like an ongoing Christmas card. For those of you who just read this blog, click on over and check out the new one from time to time! I have […]


Blogging away!

by Kym on October 30, 2008

okay,On the snow day while I had time alone I updated my blog and checked out a lot of the ones on my fabric group…I have added a lot of them on my blog…if you are not posting, I didn’t add you. It makes me sad when I go to someones blog and their last […]


by Kym on October 28, 2008


It’s SNOWING!!!!

by Kym on October 28, 2008

WOW! It is October 28 and it is snowing!!!! The kids had a delay of two hours before going to school! So of course, they got all bundled up and went out to play!! Sorry for all the exclamation points, but after living in Florida for so long….the kids really have only played in snow […]

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weekends…thank GOD

by Kym on October 24, 2008

Hey,After a crazy weekend full of fun and family…it is sooo hard to send the kids back to school and actually get anything done. The mountain of laundry we didn’t fold last weekend while we were having so much fun has been moved on and off our bed all week. I guess that is what […]


Fall is beginning

by Kym on September 29, 2008

On Friday, David and I went with Ron and Kiley to tag along on Molly’s fourth grade field trip to the County Fair. Here in Haywood County, the fair invites all of the fourth graders every year to come to the fair and see the exhibits and also demonstrations of all kinds. It was amazing […]


Gasoline woes

by Kym on September 25, 2008

Today we went out to the grocery and to get gas….only there is no gas in Maggie Valley. And there is no gas in Waynesville. It seems that for some reason (hurricanes, war, the economy…)that is beyond me, there is a shortage in North Carolina. Now, I find this funny. Our friends in Alabama not […]


cupcakes, birthdays, and SEWING

by Kym on September 20, 2008

This week I have been finally able to sew….my brain has had projects swimming around in it for months, but I had to get other stuff done! Now, it is my turn!!! And Kiley is soooo glad! She has been prissing around all weekend in her new duds…and wanted to sleep in her skirt! It […]



by Kym on September 11, 2008

Today I sat in the car for an hour waiting for Jay at the high school and I enjoyed talking to two great friends and staring at the mountains. The high school is on a plateau and the views from the school parking lot are some of the best around! It is totally amazing! I […]



by Kym on August 27, 2008

Baylee has been at College for 5 whole days now….we have talked to her about 20 times, so I guess we aren’t completely cut off. After lots of prayer and about as much paperwork, all the school aged kids are in public school for the second time in my parental life. Last time all the […]

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