by Kym on December 13, 2012
So, I was on the hunt for a couple of really personal graduation gifts for two special girls graduation from college. I saw these Instagram gifts on Pinterest, and since I have worked with photos on fabric before and I am a cheapskate, I thought, I could make that! I would say that this […]
by Kym on November 7, 2012
Saturday we loaded everyone up to go see the elk in the National Park. We had a van full and as we got up in the mountains to the narrow, dirt road, one of the kids said, ” they should have a sign that says ‘he who enters here abandon all hope’.” Ha! I guess […]
by Kym on November 2, 2012
I have this box. It holds parts of my past. Parts of my present. Parts of my future. And I don’t take it out very often, but it is always a part of me. It influences the decisions I make. It determines some of the choices I hold most dear….. For the rest of this […]
by Kym on October 14, 2012
It has been a special time for our family this fall! We have been blessed with having our two oldest kids home this fall. Baylee has been student teaching, and Jay is going to school at the local community college. We also have a friend living with us while she attends the community college… So […]
by Kym on October 9, 2012
On our way to church the other day, we came across our neighborhood black bear. He was hanging out at our neighbor’s bird feeder. Fortunately, he was in the Bear Crossing!
by Kym on August 11, 2012
Each day is a new day to experience the wonder that comes with having a little one. Yesterday Tyler watched over and over a video of himself. Each time he watched, his face had a look of pure joy and delight. He would yell along with the video, “Dad!!” and then laugh. We just sat […]
I am alone. Blissfully alone. For about 30 minutes. Not one kid. Not one husband. Not one friend. I love time alone. To rest. To sleep. To facebook. To pray…. and when the family comes back home, I will be READY! What do you do when you are alone?
I am a control freak. Not in the type a “gotta have everything perfect” sort of way, but in the I want to be in the driver’s seat kind of way. So, this week with four college aged drivers along on a trip halfway across the country, I have had to face my fears head […]
by Kym on February 27, 2012
Mornings in our house generally look like this….the older kids get off to school and the younger ones get up and do their jobs. I get my coffee and breakfast and settle in to check email before we get going on our day. Some days we are slower than others… Today as I was drinking […]
by Kym on February 23, 2012
I am a reader. I have been a reader my whole life. You know, the kid who takes a book on field trips… who reads the ingredients on the cereal boxes…. who takes books in the car to go to the grocery store, church, on vacation, to bed, to take a bath…. WOW. I have […]