by Kym on October 20, 2010
We want our own cloud. We have been sleeping on a mattress that we thought was answer to my hip problems several years ago. But it is not. Fadra is giving away a Tempur-Pedic mattress on her blog in conjunction with the Tempur-Pedic company. Our family has made a video for this contest. I thought I would […]
by Kym on October 14, 2010
What does it mean to be a Woman of Faith? The Women of Faith conference is coming to North Carolina in November and I am going. It makes me think…for me, what does it mean to be a woman of faith? I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 5. Before then, I grew […]
by Kym on October 7, 2010
Life changes. Sometimes so fast it makes our heads spin. And as a mom, sometimes I get so caught up in the day to day of kids and laundry and facebook (hee hee) and the next thing I know, Christmas is looming on the horizon when I have barely recovered from Easter! And then, today, […]
by Kym on October 5, 2010
Worn out. Frazzled….overwhelmed. Need to rest. Need to prioritize. NEED CHOCOLATE. need to sit at the feet of Jesus. Life sometimes rushes by WAY too fast. I am taking some time to “clean out” my sewing room, clean up my inner room and rest. PEACE.
by Kym on October 2, 2010
Dear Hanes, I just wanted to let you know how happy my feet have been this week! After all the walking and talking and having a blast at Type-A-Mom conference last weekend, my feet needed a little extra love. Plus, fall decided to come to the mountains and I really needed socks! The last person […]
by Kym on September 21, 2010
I am going to the Type-A blog conference. This week. I can’t believe it. I am not ready and for the most part don’t even know how to get ready. I have checked out the site, printed off my ticket, looked at the site blog conferences for newbies, forgotten to twitter, became a fan on […]
by Kym on September 18, 2010
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. I see. I see you. I am forgiven. I love because He first loved me. Why do you love?
by Kym on September 16, 2010
It may happen like this everywhere, but I love life in these NC mountains! David came home from work telling me about the computer guys that come in for coffee some (okay, maybe more than some…). Turns out they are developing and setting up wireless internet for people who live in the mountains. COOL. Because […]
by Kym on September 2, 2010
stringbean17 is going to Type-A mom conference in Asheville! …. WHOOOO HOOOO! I love the way God works. Last year, when the Blissdom blog conference was in Nashville, I contacted my blog friend Megan, from, and we talked about going. She went. I did not. She had a GREAT time. I got to hear all […]
by Kym on September 2, 2010
I love in the Sherlock Holmes books that Sherlock Holmes likes Introspecting. I am not sure that is an actual word, but it is something I rather like to do as well. Yet, in the hurry and scurry of the world….I forget. Until I am reminded…because I feel like screaming. Or crying. Or both at […]